Friday, January 21, 2011

Skiing at Bradbury Mountain

We took a family excursion to Brabury mountain in the powdery January snow. Evvie growing more comfortable on her skis, and we bribe her to go a little further, and a little further with an M&M every other trail blaze. It works well, although she pokes along, so one of us gets to ski swiftly ahead and then turn around and come back to take M&M detail with the girl.

It's fun to be out in the winter!

M&M Time!

Snow Fun

We've turned the relatively gentle slope in our yard into a pretty good sledding hill, thanks to mother nature and a snowblower. Here's some January fun:

Snow Angel

Levie Slides solo:

Evvie slides backward: (don't worry, she doesn't hit the tree!)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

"It all started out with that shoe on the wall..."

Thanks Dr. Suess!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Christmas with the Smiths!

After a snowstorm delay, Gramma Sue and Grandpa Jim arrived safe and sound for a wonderful visit. Here are some of the highlights:

Sunday, January 02, 2011

First time on the ice

Evvie tried out her brand new ice skates (tentatively) on our private rink! (Maintained lovingly by dadboni)

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Grampa & Grandma Claus

The traditional family portrait changes significantly every year!