Well, with much fanfare and family participation, Evelyn managed to turn Two today.
The day started out with a reprise of fun with Grandma Sue & Grampa Jim's balloons, then the guests arrived and we managed to fit 17 people into our little house! It's the first "shindig" we've hosted since we bought the place 5 1/2 years ago, and it was fun!
Ava and Iris kept Evelyn charmed and interested in the under-3 foot tall crowd, but Grammy managed to sneak in a snuggle with a book read to the girls together.
Evvie hauled in some great birthday loot, including a ladybug walker toy and an almost-real kitchen set. Perhaps more exciting than the gifts, though, was the opportunity to eat cake with icing. Coming on the heels of Halloween, Evvie's sweet tooth is doing backflips.