We took a year off from our traditional expedition in Bath on the Candy Cane Train to explore Boothbay's Railway Village. It was a great day with an old-fashioned steam engine chugging us around- hot cocoa in one hand, a cookie in the other.
waiting for the train
riding on the train...with cookies!
Santa visits
All Aboard! (the artistic edge-blur is really just hot cocoa on the lens. Thanks, Levi!)
Saturday was Evvie's preschool Holiday Party. We were treated to a great brunch buffet, and then great music as the kids entered with Santa hats and jingling bells!
(You'll notice Evelyn sort of freeze on the entrance..."somebody's in my spot, NOW what do I do?!!")
Here's a smattering of pix from the past month-and-a-half, during which I have been shirking my blog duties. Here are the highlights and random sampling:
Fall was beautiful
We went to the Brunswick Halloween parade- never really enjoyed Michael Jackson's "Thriller" until I heard the marching band do it
Evvie turned 5
The kids "helped" me stack wood (in their jammies)
We trimmed Levi's bangs up
the kids wore one of each others boots...and thought it was funny
Levi tried on some of Great Grandma Doris's jewelrey
Evvie built a tiny snowman with Grammie...
...then licked it
Mama and Evvie got dressed up to see The Nutcracker ballet in POrtland
We got a new couch and the kids tested it out first
We headed for a stroll down on Bailey Island on the "Giant Steps" Peek! Peek!
Never did get a shot of the Giant Steps. Funny how distracting kids can be. It was a beautiful day at the shore, nonetheless. If you're dying to see what they look like, click here.
Shoulder-rides back to the car proved to be lots of laughs..and work.
Well, we didn't make it to the Common Ground Fair this year, but couple of my generous students offered this organic carrot as a souvenir of their visit. We discovered at the farmer's market this summer that carrots are MUCH more fun to eat when there's the leaf attached.
(Isn't that the carrot top? Yet we call people with red hair "carrot top". Hmmmm).
Not willing to let go of summer, we headed back to Reid with Grammie & Grampa Prince for another beach day and cookout. Evvie climbed the rocks a lot, and this time the clear visibility gave us quite a view.
We clowned on the beach for awhile, then headed back to our favorite spot to grill more corn, weenies, garlic bread and burgers..
Evelyn took a major digger onto an unforgiving rock to nearly cut our dinner off before it began. She's got a golf-ball sized welt, but a positive attitude. Maybe I'll post pics, but right now they just seem sensational. I prefer this quiet and pensive photo instead: