Friday, August 27, 2010

Last Summer Hurrah

We had a nice afternoon and dinner cookout down at Reid State Park to mark the end of the relaxing season as school gears up again and daycare/ preschool logistics again slurp any lazy aimlessness from our lives.

The rosehips are out, but a little bit seedy. Right, Evvie?

It was a great foggy afternoon for the beach.

As the afternoon wore on, it was time to fire up the grill and get the corn and dogs on. Levi offered a helping hand.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Uncle Butch Visits

Uncle Butch found himself in Maine for work, so he stopped by for some books, some dinner, and a great visit. We were thrilled to have him, although the kids missed Bobbi & the "sheep".

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Matching Jammies

What do you get when you combine the following things:

A proud Grammie + a sale on kids pajamas?

(Answer = economic stimulus)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bee Positive

She was so busy cajoling and mingling that, would you believe it, we never got a picture of the woman of the hour! Lots of shots of the kids, though!

(Amy's got lots more pix posted here)

Friday, August 06, 2010

Pennsylvania Trip: Wendy's & the River Float

We spent one day at the Smith's old stompin' ground doing the things that river kids do. Here's a photo sampling.

Griffin Frog

Mama and Levi

Crazy Evvie

Levi Watermelon

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Pennsylvania Trip: The Kids

Another great annual summer trip to Pennsylvania (after last year's hiatus). Great times with family!

Levi Slurps from the Slip 'n' Slide

Exhausted down time.

Big boys in drum shirts.

Who knows what's happening here?!

Super cousins unite!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Pennsylvania Trip: The Pool

No trip to Newport would be complete without multiple visits to the Little Buffalo Pool.

The girls are ready to go!

Levi is a bit confused by the sporadic jets of water.