Diner to Roaring Brook
12.5 miles

Well, we set off after a big greasy diner breakfast to the wilds of the great north woods. Jed had been pretty ill the day before and had slept poorly that night. He made the call to ski with us for awhile, but to scrap the through-the-park plan. And then there were four.

I decided to add an old-school Maine license plate to my sled to give it a bit of personality. Weight: 45 pounds.

Baxter peak and the knife edge. God's country.
We finally made it in with daylight to spare, so we settled in and began to hear the firsthand stories of the kid they airlifted from the mountain three days before. He spent the night blow off Pomola peak & partially dug in- fIred a few shots so they could find him. Was later cited for having a handgun in the park.

Why Joe dragged a ponykeg in 14 miles, I didn't know...until I tasted my first really well-earned beer. In a frosted pint glass, thanks to Greg.
Day 2:
Roaring Brook to Russell Pond
7.5 miles
We started on skis, but quickly switched to snowshoes to break the trail up Pogy notch to Russell Pond.

The going was difficult at times with a few tough gully crossings. We kept joking that at 8 miles, this was supposed to be our rest day. Turned out to be the toughest of the four.

Day 3:
Russell Pond to South Branch
9 miles
The crew as we gear up for day three.

We finished at SOuth Branch as a squall moved in. Made for really fun conditions. We skiied in it all- bright sun, overcast, snow squall...a true winter adventure.

At the bunkhouse, a moose had taken up residence and found the best winter sutenence outside the outhouse door. Here Joe braves a close encounter to visit the icy cold seat.

Amazingly, there's still beer to enjoy at the end of day 3.

Day 4:
South Branch to Matagammon Gate
14 miles
Sunrise over South Branch. Tranquility.

Fresh tracks in fresh powder on the trail out. Coyote?

All the way past the gate, we encounter this...just this on the side of the road.

After a round of cribbage and sandwiches, Jed arrived to pick us up for the ride out. The trailer looked like is had been muddin'.