We just returned from a week on the road- spending Christmas with the Princes, a quick visit with Suzanne in Vermont, then a second Christmas with the Smith clan. Evelyn was great- just taking it all in while Griffin and Ruby showed her what Christmas is really all about. Santa brought them all matching pajamas and Griffin exerted his maturity as the eldest ranking cousin by gently holding Evvie up for the camera.

Griffin enjoyed his new dinosaur, although Jason narrowly escaped being devoured.
Hallie had fun reading to G & R after the torn bits of wrapping paper had settled and a quiet moment presented itself. Both kids did remarkably well when Evvie vocalized her many needs.
It was also a trip with many firsts. Baby's first Christmas. Tip of the iceberg. Evvie's first chance meeting her Uncles Byron and Jason, Auntie's Bobbi & Zoe, and cousins Ruby and Griffin. It was Evvie's first car ride over an hour in duration. It was Evvie's first trip out of state. And on Friday, Evvie had her first snowshoe adventure. I'm not sure she knew what was going on, as she promptly fell asleep when the cold air hit her cheeks. Dad sure had fun lugging her in the sling.

After a tearful goodbye we made our return to Maine with a brief stopover with Nic & Kate in Montpelier- we'll be back for a wedding in April!
In reflection, we are amazed at how well Evvie traveled and adapted to the constantly changing faces, sounds and locations. We are extremely relieved to be home, though, with a routine that is less stressful.
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