Friday, May 26, 2006

The Misty Wood

Today we took a trip down to the woods around Reid State Park and tried out the "off road" feature of Evvie's super high-tech stroller. The stroller performed well, and it proved early enough in the year that the mosquitos weren't a major problem at Reid. That is to say, we only swatted a few dozen. For Reid, a peninsula with a bog in the middle, that's not a major problem.

Evvie has taken to shaking her maracas (when not tasting them). She's pretty good at waving them around to make the shaking sound, although she waves a lot of things around in the same way.

Her eating has really come along. She gets two meals a day. Today was bananas with rice cereal in the morning, and sweet potatoes in the afternoon. We've been mashing organic fruits and vegetables ourselves, and it feels really good to maintain that level of control over what goes into her body. (More importantly, what does NOT go into her body).

She's also getting to be a pro at sitting up and rolling over both ways. Her tooth (could you see it???) is definitely visible now, with a second coming in beside it. She's insisting that her next meal be a burger. I think we've got a little further to go before that happens...

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