We played in the surf and Mama & Daddy went for a very brief swim in the chilly water. Evvie got her toes wet, and that's about all. Smart girl. She did enjoy splashing in smaller "puddles" that we dug. SHe would follow daddy and jump into and out of the puddles.

After that, we built castles in the sand and watched the incoming tide wash them away. We tried to divert the waves, but the ocean is far more powerful than we are.
Later, we had a picnic in the sun and had fun chasing Monarch buterflies and seeing the diffferent animal poop on the trail that still resembeled a pile of juniper berries. Evvie became a bit obsessed with the poop and had to show it to everybody.
Grampa and Evelyn wanted to see if the O's had a more direct route into Evvie's tummy! After some experimentation, Evvie decided to stick with the old-fashioned chewing method.

As the day wore on and Evvie started to tire, she lay dow on a towel and invited Grammy to take a nap. It was a lovely day.
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