Friday, April 03, 2009

Welcome, Levi!

Born at 3:50 am on April 3, 2009, Levi James trooped into the world looking just like his big sister did three years ago. Same lip, same head shape, same great attitude.

His stats:

8 lbs 10.9 oz
21" long
Beautiful as can be.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    He's so precious! I want to KISS him! (Jay you might want to update his birth date... you put April 4, but I can understand that you're tired and all!)

    Much love to you all!
    Hallie's Favorite Cousin Sara

  2. We love you Levi James!!!

    Cousin Ruby, Cousin Griffin, Auntie Z, & Uncle J

  3. Congratulations & welcome Levi! Hope you all are resting well and enjoying being four.

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    What a beautiful great-nephew I have. Can't wait to meet him.
    Love, Aunt Beth & Uncle John

  5. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Congratulations Mr. Prince and the whole family, and welcome to the newest member of the prince family!
