Outta the hospital, but not off the couch. Hallie's on bedrest until the baby is delivered. The good news is that a blood pressure medication is not necessary as long as she stays immobile. She had a big day out yesterday for another Biophysical Profile on the baby.
Got to ride in the car and everything! BP was way highat the office, but when we take it easy, stay on her left side, & take the BP at home it's fairly good.
Natalie says that there's no way Hallie will go beyond her due date. We've got another appointment tommorrow, but I get the feeling she's just trying to get this babe to 38 weeks. I won't speculate, though- stay tuned for tomorrow's news (inducing labor next week???)
Here's some ultrasound pix from yesterday. Babe checks out A-OK. (The up side to all of this is we're getting a
LOT of pictures of the baby!)
Here's two of the face...

...and some cute little fingers!

...and the little piggies!