New developments are Hallie's belly-button (an unbelievably fascinating topic, let me tell you.) It's no longer flat, and has started to pop out. I wish I had a time lapse of it over the last few weeks- like a pop-up timer, our Thanksgiving turkey looks to be about ready.
But I'm jumping the gun.
After all, she's only 7 months pregnant. I did read that after week 32 your baby has an excellent chance of survival. Excellent. I like the sound of that. (Of course, I like the sound of a full-term delivery a bit more, but I'll take some relief from the worry where I can get it)

We're both a little worried about how our first child, Ruby is going to take this whole "new-baby-in-the-house" thing. Neither one of us think she going to be a big fan right away. She's been numero uno for our attention for quite some time now and we know she's going to feel downgraded soon. I think after she adjusts she'll appreciate her new role as protector...
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