The infamous West Coast Auntie arrived safely to meet little Evvie this week. We had a great visit in Turner and enough gifts to constitute
another baby shower. Evelyn also spent her first night away from home which went...well once she got to sleep it went really well. Getting to sleep was a bit more of an ordeal than we had been used to, but we all managed- although we also spent a good deal of the next day cranky & in a haze.
That didn't keep us all from having fun, though. You see, Evelyn has this strange effect that just makes people happy. I think it's the gurgling and the staring. Possibly the gas too- that's the oldest trick in the book.
Tonight is the eve of Evvie's 5 week birthday. In some respects, it seems like we've had her always, and 5 weeks seems like a too-brief period of time. On the other hand, she's already 5 WEEKS OLD!
Wholy schmoly. She's smiling more, staying awake for several hours and looking much more alert. We're interacting well, and have the beginnings of a routine. She just started trying a bottle this week and has had two successful evenings of daddy feeding her. This is a good feeling for me, because it resolves my helpless feelings when she's crying and only mama can help.
Look out world.
I now wield the power of the milk-filled nipple.