Evvie's vocabulary includes several words- she'll say "hi" when you enter a room or hand her the phone, she says "hat" when daddy's wearing a hat. "Boh" passes for "book" which she loves to read, while "Buh" means button, which she'll point out on anybody's clothing. She's great asaying "baby" and will point them out in books and photos, and she seems to call Jay "Dahda". She also makes a good deal of animal noises. She's been mooing and woofing for quite some time and has recently picked up meowing. The "baa" of a sheep comes out a lot like her "moo", but let's not split hairs, she's trying.
She's also pointing a lot lately, which has helped our communication a lot. I think it's the next step toward more vocabulary as we identify what she points to.
No walking yet, although she has let go of the objects she pulls herself up onto and stands solo for seconds at a time. She's a pro at crawling and pulling up, so her upper body development continues while her confidence on those long skinny legs grows. (She gets THOSE from her mother!)
We've got a big trip to Jersey comng up this weekend and Evvie gets to fly for the first time.
Wish us luck.
Good luck on the plane. Matilda's favorite part is always the drink cart - hopefully your flight is long enough Evvie gets to check it out! I am sure you will all have a great time.