First she watched the birds with Grandpa while the guests arrived...

Evvie enjoyed her new books, toys, clothes, and most certainly her new giraffe rocker from uncle Jeddie! Grammie seems to be having as much fun showing it to her as she'll have riding it!
Today may have been Evvie's first chance to have cake and icing, but she declined the opportunity. (And her momma and daddy were up until 11:30 making the cupcakes!!!) She just pushed it away in disgust. Well, what can I say- she's a cheese and crackers girl! Cake will have to wait for another day.
All the girls got together after cake for a snuggle in the rocker.

Thanks to everybody who where there in body and in spirit for her great loot and great amount of love. Evvie's blessed with the great gift of love from many, many directions.
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