Friday, November 24, 2006

Pilgrim Day

Evvie had her second official Thanks- giving among family in Turner. As you can see, she did not happen to be overtaken by the theme of the "First Thanksgiving" (despite "hat" bein her current favorite word) and discarded the idea of looking like a pilgrim rather quickly...


"No, I Don't Think So"


(luckily momma took up the slack!)

Cousin Ava also proved to be an excellent sport and ground some cinnamon and allspice the old-fashioned way.

On the way to Turner we took an extra-long there while Evvie napped. Her batteries were pretty charged when we got there at 11 am and amazingly she remained awake and in excellent spirits right through until we left at 5 and then her normal bedtime at 7pm. It was one of her first one-nap days, and she handled it like a champ. She's only had 1 before this and that was a real low-key boring ol' day home with dad.

It was a wonderful day with the best Thanksgiving spread this side of the Mississippi. Dad and mom gorged themselves as usual and Evvie tried a few bites of asparagus, but pretty much stuck to the sweet potatoes.

Ava taught her a lot about pilgrims, while Iris gave her a few pointers on looking real cute in matching outfits.

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