Well, the results of her blood test are all good- no lead bogging down that budding brain, but she is the slightest bit anemic. We've got a prescription for iron drops (I hope they're not too heavy) to boost her iron levels up. Of course, we get this information and Evvie starts pounding the iron-skillet-cooked ground turkey. Too bad Grammy Kitty isn't around to cook up some dandelion greens. As we've all been told and told, they've got a lot of iron in 'em.
Mama is on vacation this week, so Evvie's been getting some solid 1-on-1 time. Here they try on a new outfit that Grandmama sent up for the warmer months. There was no occasion. No birthday. It wasn't Christmas. Grandma's are funny that way.

Matilda had a go with the iron too. We were terrible about giving it consistently though. Thankfully she is a meat lover and improved with those iron rich foods alone. Keep up with the turkey bits Evvie!