Because it was a slow and idle Saturday, Hallie & I decided to take Evvie to the children's room at the
Patten Free Library. As we neared it though, the whole area was swarming with parents and children on their way in and out of the building. We finally managed a parking spot and headed toward the door where we were face to face with a miniature horse named "Mr. D". Evvie was interested, albeit from a distance, so we gawked for awhile and headed inside where the Easter Bunny greeted us. There were several pens set up in the children's area with live bunnies, a pygmy goat, a handful of chickens and a couple of ducks. Evvie really warmed up to the animals and pet the bunnies while repeating "soft, soft." On our way out, she approached Mr. D and pet his long black mane. I made a joke about his looking a bit sad (why the long face?) which served only to amuse me. His owner did remark enthusiastically that Evvie was the smallest child to touch Mr. D. I was proud of our shy little girl for coming out of her shell.
Later at home, we ran around in the driveway and took this picture with the first spring flowers in our hair. Evvie has a few favorite games. One of them is to go to a snowbank, grab a handful of snow and throw it down dramatically while saying "POW!". Another is to kick her easter ball while running. It's incredibly fun to watch her hustle around in the fresh air.
What a gorgeous pair!