Friday, April 06, 2007

Digging out In Springtime

This week as I brought the garbage out to the curb, I tought to myself, "Oh, look. It's the first week without the garbage can being in a snowbank." Hmmm. Wednesday it began snowing on the just-emerged lawn, and didn't stop until we had accumulated 12 inches, a power outage and a day off from school (for momma). It's supposed to be spring- the robins were out in full force last week!

Evvie got a little concerned about the snow, and tweeted her pelican to the window to look for the birds. They all stayed huddled inside until Friday when the sun came out and the birds came back!
Thursday's snow

Friday's sun

Today was also the start of the new Music Together session. There were some new faces and some old faces (by old faces, I of course mean old young faces). Evelyn is not the youngest this time around- that title has been taken by a 7 month old named Hazel and 1 year old Chase. Evvie's gonna show them a note or two.

Interestingly, Matt (our instructor) metioned that "harmony" happens only when different notes are sung. Thus, nobody should worry about singing badly. It's just deepening the harmony (garnering a sigh of relief from this off-tune crooner).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

