She's been doing great this week after a difficullt few weeks. At daycare on Monday Hallie got the "We need to talk..." from her provider regarding how unhappy Evvie's been there. She sobs and wants to be picked up. She does like to be picked up a lot at home, too, and we worry that we're coddling her too much. The defensive parent in me wants to shout out that she's teething, has been sick, and is 17 month old- prime for maximum separation anxiety. I think it's a combination of all these factors, and now that the illness is gone, she & I had a great day Tuesday, she had a very successful day at daycare on Wednesday, and so far she's been an independant champ today. I've been able to get some work done as she amuses herself around the living room and checks back every so often.
She also ate a farmer's breakfast this morning- a whole piece of toast with almond butter, about a1/2 cup of chopped raisins (she doesn't chew them much, and they often come out whole), 4 oz of yogurt, and dozen or so frozen blueberries. Strictly meat for lunch, though as she scarfed the curried chicken I made her. (She had been off the meat lately, but if you can somehow make food yellow, she'll try it.)

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