Here's some fun we had with the free stickers we got from...some organization. Evvie had fun sticking them on her kitty, on Daddy, and then finally...well, you can see where she decided the stickers were fun.
Today was music class day, and it started out like most others- with Evvie leaned up against me watching intently. When we stood up and started to get more active, though, she became much more interactive with the other kids in the class. Cecelia is about Evvie's age and was very interested in Evvie's dress. It had stars all over it (And it just so happens the Cecelia's favorite song in "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". They became fast friends, sharing shaker eggs and swapping scarves to dance with. I was very pleased.
This picture is from a few weeks ago, but the outfit is the same as the one that wooed a new friend...

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