The day was a so-so success.
We visited the Norlands Living History Center with the prospect of a working sugar house, oxcart rides and a big pancake breakfast with fresh maple syrup. Unfortunately, we seemed to choose the wrong place to visit, as it was super crowded and the pancake makers were unable to keep up wth the demand. After a disappointment for breakfast, however, we did tour the barn and saw a ton of great animals.
I found out that Evvie knew the word "Ox" as she pointed to an animal that I was about to call a cow. She was right, though, and I was astounded. She clucked at the chickens, oinked at the pigs and ogled the cows. We also saw a newborn (1-day-old) lamb. Joe remarked at how it was already standing after one day. It took Evvie 10 months to do that. (But the lamb will probably NEVER say "Ox").
Somehow I missed taking any good pictures, but here's a few anyway.

Evvie was pretty much ready for a nap at this point, so we had do leave before the carriage ride or trip to the sugar house(something to shoot for next year). Ava and Iris had more energy, so hopefully they enjoyed the remainder of the day!

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