I was a little concerned about her sleeping through the night- a feat she has seldom accomplished flawlessly in a new enviornment. Amazingly, though, she slept..well, like a baby. It must have something to do with all that fresh air.
The following day after breakfast we took a trip to a great sledding hill. Evvie took the task very seriously in her one run down the hill. She did not hate it. She did not whoop and holler. She observed the situation and filed it for later examination.
After that, momma took a run down the hill which resulted in a dramatic overturn and crash. Unfortunately, it also resulted in an injury. Her right knee was bent too far in the spill, and she could not put any weight on it. Nate and Suzanne had to sled her off the hill on a litter, and we headed back for ice and ibuprofen.

Evvie took an active interest in mom's injury when she realized there was melitng snow involved.

Hallie had great acute care in the apartment. The team consisted of two health care pro-fessionals, a rugged helpful man, a cute comic-relief baby, two interested dogs, and myself, the interfering papparazzi. We decided to head back to Maine early and get our home base established before heading to the ER. (Which, incidentally, we never did do).
Hallie's now resting her leg and feeling quite a bit better- she was able to drive today, although we're still waiting to see the specialist to really check her out. Hopefully she'll be 100% soon, but until then feel free to call her soooooooo lame!
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