Evvie and I had a great morning. After running around with errands all morning, we stopped to strollerblade at the bike path, which made Evvie promptly fall asleep. I was happy because I was feling a little guilty for having her in car seats and shopping carts all morning and not able to walk around, but sad when I two big bald eagles stopped fishing in the river and perched on a branch very close to the path. She missed it, but was probably dreaming of other wonderful creatures anyhow. (Otters are a big favorite right now, thanks to
When she awoke we played down by the river where she found the babbling stream quite funny. "Water, water, ha ha !"
We then headed home for some outdoor fun. After picking a few flowers, sitting on the back steps, and then the picnic table, Evelyn found a wonderful new game. It's called "stick-your-face-in-the-dog-dish-and blow-bubbles". It was a fresh bowl of water so I let the game go on and on. She also enjoyed plain old splashing, dropping rocks and shaking the dish to make waves.

As you can see, the bib I chose at lunch was not big enough to block the amazing strawberry goop hands. Somehow she has strawberry stains on her back, too!
Her newest accomplishment of note is the "two-words together" thing. Today she pointed out "Ruby dog" & "mama's toothbrush", mentioned that she was on the "top step", and asked for "more crackers please" (for those of us keeping track, thats THREE words, although the "please" only came the second time she asked- at my prompt).